Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon Movie Review

One of the three films shown at the Film Festival for Food was a low budget film, to have limited release in February 2007, whose conceit is that Mike Myers, Jason Vorhees, and Freddy Kruger were real. Here is a link to my review:

Film For Food Fest – A Most Enjoyable Day.

John Campea and the people involved with The Movie Blog did a great job running and organizing the event. It ran from noon till about 10:30 at night. During that span, we watched three movies, had two stand up comedy routines, had two panels, and a live audience edition recording of a Movie Blog podcast.

Here is a link to a post showing pictures of the guys:

Note: these contain R rated language ie profanity – do not listen if you are offended by such material.

Here is a link to the audio edition:

Here is a link to the panel:

Film Festival for Food Tomorrow!

Should have posted this sooner but tomorrow in Hamilton there is all day film fest for charity being held. The podcast team from The Movie Blog is hosting the event. Check out some of their podcasts here – They put out an excellent show. They have scheduled a full day of fun for movie geeks to get together and have some fun all in the name of charity.

We will see 3 films, Clerks 2, Shaun of the Dead, and a sneek preview of Behind The Mask a month before its theatrical release. Add to that a couple of panels and a live audience recording of the Audio edition and it will be a helluva of a day!

Here is a link to site: Drop in if you are in the area, there are still open spots!

Electronic Swiss Army Knife – The Sony CLIE TH55

I picked up a PDA, a Sony CLIE TH55 for those of you familar with these devices, off ebay recently. This nifty device is a Swiss Army Knife of such devices only lacking phone capabilities which is not a big deal for me. It has WiFi capabilities but the real attractions of this unit is the 320 x 480 colour screen, the jog dial for touchless screen navigation, a builtin MP3 player, and voice recording capability all in a unit you can operate with one hand!

The reason for this preamble is it makes a great ebook reader as well. One of the books that caught my eye was an older SF novel – Inherit the Stars by James.P. Hogan. It has a great cover of two astronauts on the surface of the moon discovering the body of a third astronaut, who is a skeleton inside the suit. Very captivating image. I had read the book a long time ago and could not remember much of it. It dealt with the mystery of this dead astronaut who had been on the moon for over 50,000 thousand years! The big science ideas are still relevant but the smaller ones in the year 2026 ie smoking in public areas like the office or even in space ships or the standard 50s SF trope – flying cars! – rent one from Hertz! – bring a chuckle or two along the way. Still for a 1977 SF book, with a HUGE mystery to be solved, it presents a highly entertaining story. I really enjoyed rediscovering this book.

Toronto People – Psst! Wanna See An Animated Hellboy Movie For Free?!

If you do, go to this link:…of_storms.html

The contact person, Sharelle, told me to pass the invite along in her email reply so here you go.

BTW, this is a great site and John Campea and the gang put out a kickass podcast.

Also, check out their Film Festival for Food happening on Jan 20th. Great lineup of movies and all proceeds go to charity.

Weird Al – White & Nerdy – I’ve Been Compromised!

Belated Happy New Year! Yo, Rocky!

Hey everyone. Better late than never but Happy New Year everyone!

May this year be of good tidings to you and your loved ones.

It has been a crazy winter not just here in the Greater Toronto Area but all over. Locally we had a green Christmas and only two or three mornings has there been a timid dusting of snow on the ground. This week temperatures have been consistently above freezing and by Friday it is poised to go into double digits. Wow. Loving it but I am sure somewhere down the road there will be a price to pay.

Saw Rocky Balboa last night. What a great bookend to the original Rocky. Make no mistake this is a small movie and the fight is almost incidental. The movie has a lot of heart and Stallone really acts in this one. The Rocky character is a great one and is allowed to showcase that in many quiet moments, some of which are very tender and emotional. A fitting end to the series. Let us hope this dog’s sleep is left undisturbed.

Writing wise, I have much to accomplish this year. So far, every morning I have managed to write something. No fiction as of yet though. Finished three weeks of Critter reviews and two DVD reviews. This morning the slate is clear for about a week where I can now concentrate on some fiction.

Tally Ho!